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WaitForHotkey in help
Func: WaitForHotkey 

in the help has a bit problematic,  it should be changed to the code on the image

In addition, the following code, when debugging, press F12 without any response Huh 

Macro Macro1
Trigger SF9     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
Copy      Help
__RegisterHotKey hk1.Register(0 1 0 VK_F10)
__RegisterHotKey hk2.Register(0 2 0 VK_F12)
,if(GetMessage(&m 0 0 0)<1) break
,sel m.message
,,case WM_HOTKEY
,,sel m.wParam
,,,case 1
,,,mes 10
,,,case 2
,,,mes 12
,DispatchMessage &m

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F12 is one of hotkeys used by Windows, like Alt+Tab.

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