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monitor blank area of window for any change
WSJTX macro watches for the small box to popup that confirms a valid contact.  macro clicks in the box to accept and then erase button (maybe backwards) and then the Enable TX button to start it all over again .

The WSJtart process all over.TX macro is set to run simultaneously. It waits until a contact is confirmed and a small box pops up.  Macro then presses ERASE button one time, Clicks on I think a OK button in the box.  This then logs the contact to a logging program and then it presses ENABLE to start the process all over.
please upload you qm file here so i can help better
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Macro [b]WSJTX[/b] [help1][/help1]
Trigger [b]$a 130 0 "" "Qt5QWindowIcon" "" "WSJT-X   v2.0.0   by K1JT - Log QSO"[/b] [help2][/help2]
function hwnd idObject idChild
;Acc a.FromEvent(hwnd idObject idChild)
;out a.Name

#region Recorded 1/22/19 7:03:07 PM
int w1=win("WSJT-X   v2.0.0   by K1JT - Log QSO" "Qt5QWindowIcon")
lef 238 17 w1 ;;title bar
lef 335 401 w1 1 ;;dialog 'WSJT-X   v2.0.0   by K1JT -...'
int w2=act(win("WSJT-X   v2.0.0   by K1JT" "Qt5QWindowIcon"))
lef 1750 1068 w2 1 ;;push button 'Erase Alt+E'
lef 3652 1390 w2 1 ;;radio button
lef 2558 1072 w2 1 ;;check box 'Enable Tx Alt+n'
when you are pasting code to qm forum do not use the code button just paste
Kevin:  Here is the code pasted.  I thought you said in a much previous post on this thread that when I pasted it that was the wrong method and to go through the code window.  I will first past just what I copied in the right hand window and then I will post a copy pasted in the QM format.

function hwnd idObject idChild
 Acc a.FromEvent(hwnd idObject idChild)
 out a.Name

#region Recorded 1/22/19 7:03:07 PM
int w1=win("WSJT-X   v2.0.0   by K1JT - Log QSO" "Qt5QWindowIcon")
lef 238 17 w1 ;;title bar
lef 335 401 w1 1 ;;dialog 'WSJT-X   v2.0.0   by K1JT -...'
int w2=act(win("WSJT-X   v2.0.0   by K1JT" "Qt5QWindowIcon"))
lef 1750 1068 w2 1 ;;push button 'Erase Alt+E'
lef 3652 1390 w2 1 ;;radio button
lef 2558 1072 w2 1 ;;check box 'Enable Tx Alt+n'

NOW in QM Format:

Trigger $a 130 0 "" "Qt5QWindowIcon" "" "WSJT-X   v2.0.0   by K1JT - Log QSO"     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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function hwnd idObject idChild
;Acc a.FromEvent(hwnd idObject idChild)
;out a.Name

#region Recorded 1/22/19 7:03:07 PM
int w1=win("WSJT-X   v2.0.0   by K1JT - Log QSO" "Qt5QWindowIcon")
lef 238 17 w1 ;;title bar
lef 335 401 w1 1 ;;dialog 'WSJT-X   v2.0.0   by K1JT -...'
int w2=act(win("WSJT-X   v2.0.0   by K1JT" "Qt5QWindowIcon"))
lef 1750 1068 w2 1 ;;push button 'Erase Alt+E'
lef 3652 1390 w2 1 ;;radio button
lef 2558 1072 w2 1 ;;check box 'Enable Tx Alt+n'
Now code is showing correctly. When you  use the copy  for qm forum menu option it formats  everything  ,just have to paste like second  example. Now i can easily  copy  your  pasted  code back to qm

Please now post the other 2 macros here


Kevin here are two screenshots of what is being done in the WSJTX macro,. It is triggered when the small square box pops up in the bottom right corner (enlarged in second screen shot.  Once triggered, It presses the Erase key (clears the right window), then a radio button that probably is not needed, then OK on the small box to confirm the QSO contact (logs contact) - small box goes away, Then ENABLE TX to start all over.   Problem with this is that the box has to be positioned in the EXAACT same place everytime.

Is there any other way to get the trigger of the small box no matter where it pops up?????
I cannot  see the screen shots.  Repost  them don't  use the image tag. Use the attachments  box located  Below the text area when replying. Choose a file then click add attachment then  use insert into post button
pDF attached

Attached Files
.pdf   WSJTMacroTrigger.pdf (Size: 441.2 KB / Downloads: 334)

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