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How to execute QM item in dialog
hello, I created a function that can display a list of QM items in a combo box, Macros, functions, autotext and item are grouped, Please see the picture below, but I don't know how to execute item in it.

I need to implement the following features:

1. After selecting the item, double click or enter, can execute it

2. After selecting the item, right click to edit it

3. After selecting the item, press the esc key to cancel the selection and position the cursor in the edit box where it is located, waiting for input.

4. Press the esc key twice to close the dialog box.

If there are too many hotkeys defined, it is not easy to remember. Executing with the above method is sometimes convenient.

Any suggestions are welcome, thanks in advance Heart

Macro QM_item_manage
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QMITEM qmac; int imac
ARRAY(str) amac
,imac=qmitem(-imac 2 &qmac 1)
,if(imac=0) break
,if qmac.itype=0
QMITEM qfun; int ifun
ARRAY(str) afun
,ifun=qmitem(-ifun 2 &qfun 1)
,if(ifun=0) break
,if qfun.itype=1
QMITEM qaut; int iaut
ARRAY(str) aaut
,iaut=qmitem(-iaut 2 &qaut 1)
,if(iaut=0) break
,if qaut.itype=4

str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 426 204 "QM_item_manage"
;3 ComboBox 0x54230641 0x0 8 24 98 172 "Mac"
;5 Static 0x54000000 0x0 44 8 48 12 "Macro"
;4 ComboBox 0x54230641 0x4 112 24 98 172 "Fun"
;6 ComboBox 0x54230641 0x4 216 24 98 172 "Auto"
;7 ComboBox 0x54230641 0x4 320 24 98 172 "item"
;8 Static 0x54000000 0x0 145 8 48 12 "Function"
;9 Static 0x54000000 0x0 249 8 48 12 "Autotext"
;10 Static 0x54000000 0x0 361 8 48 12 "Item"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040801 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "3 4 6 7"
str cb3Mac cb4Fun cb6Aut cb7ite

if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret

#sub DlgProc
function# hDlg message wParam lParam

sel message
,;CB_SelectString(id(3 hDlg) "test")
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
int hcb2=id(7 hDlg) ;;combo box
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,case CBN_SELENDOK<<16|6
,str cb1si
,_i=CB_SelectedItem(lParam cb1si)
,str cb2ii itemscb2=sub.gotoitemedit(cb1si)
,SendMessage(hcb2 CB_RESETCONTENT 0 0)
,itemscb2.findreplace(":sub." "     ")
,itemscb2.findreplace(";;" "     ")
,foreach cb2ii itemscb2
,,CB_Add(hcb2 cb2ii)
,case CBN_DBLCLK<<16|7
,str cb2t
,_i=CB_SelectedItem(lParam cb2t)
,_s.getwintext(id(6 hDlg))
,mac+ _s
,int c=GetQmCodeEditor
,SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GOTOLINE _i+1 0)
,int ii=findrx(cb2t "Sub." 0 1)
,int cp=SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GETCURRENTPOS 0 0)
,SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GOTOPOS cp 0)
,SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_SETSELBACK 0 0x00FF00)

ret 1

#sub gotoitemedit
function~ ~name

str pattern="(?:.*\:sub\..*)"

_s.getmacro(name 0)
str ss d
int i
ARRAY(str) a
findrx(_s pattern 0 4 a)
for i 0 a.len
,d.formata("%s[]" a[0 i])

ret d.trim

Attached Files Image(s)
All features have been completed,  Smile

My programming level is limited, only for the time being. I hope someone can suggest some improvements, thank you very much. Heart

Function Macro10
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QMITEM qmac; int imac
ARRAY(str) amac
,imac=qmitem(-imac 2 &qmac 1)
,if(imac=0) break
,if qmac.itype=0
QMITEM qfun; int ifun
ARRAY(str) afun
,ifun=qmitem(-ifun 2 &qfun 1)
,if(ifun=0) break
,if qfun.itype=1
QMITEM qaut; int iaut
ARRAY(str) aaut
,iaut=qmitem(-iaut 2 &qaut 1)
,if(iaut=0) break
,if qaut.itype=4

str iamac=amac
str iafun=afun
str iaaut=aaut

str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80A44 0x100 0 0 409 163 "Dialog"
;3 Edit 0x54030080 0x200 5 22 96 14 ""
;7 Edit 0x54030080 0x204 106 22 96 14 ""
;8 Edit 0x54030080 0x204 207 22 96 14 ""
;9 Edit 0x54030080 0x204 308 22 96 14 ""
;4 ListBox 0x54230101 0x200 5 37 96 120 "" "Double click Run the Macro[]Right click Open the Macro"
;10 ListBox 0x54230101 0x204 106 37 96 120 "" "Double click Run the Funtion[]Right click Open the Funtion"
;11 ListBox 0x54230101 0x204 207 37 96 120 "" "Double click Open the AutoText"
;12 ListBox 0x54230101 0x204 308 37 96 120 "" "Double click Open the AutoText item"
;6 Static 0x54000000 0x0 37 8 48 12 "Macro"
;13 Static 0x54000000 0x0 133 8 48 12 "Function"
;14 Static 0x54000000 0x0 238 8 48 12 "Autotext"
;15 Static 0x54000000 0x0 333 8 48 12 "AutoText item"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040801 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "3 7 8 9 4 10 11 12"
str e3 e7 e8 e9 lb4 lb10 lb11 lb12

if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret

#sub DlgProc v
function# hDlg message wParam lParam

sel message
,SendMessage id(3 hDlg) EM_SETCUEBANNER TRUE @"Search Macro"
,SendMessage id(7 hDlg) EM_SETCUEBANNER TRUE @"Search Function"
,SendMessage id(8 hDlg) EM_SETCUEBANNER TRUE @"Search AutoText"
,SendMessage id(9 hDlg) EM_SETCUEBANNER TRUE @"Search AutoText item"
,SetTimer hDlg 1 10 0
,int he8=id(8 hDlg)
,SetProp he8 "wndproc" SubclassWindow(he8 &sub.EditSubclassProc8)

,;SetTimer hDlg 4 10 0
,;int he9=id(9 hDlg)
,;SetProp he9 "wndproc" SubclassWindow(he9 &sub.EditSubclassProc)
,SetTimer hDlg 2 10 0
,int he3=id(3 hDlg)
,SetProp he3 "wndproc" SubclassWindow(he3 &sub.EditSubclassProc3)
,SetTimer hDlg 3 10 0
,int he7=id(7 hDlg)
,SetProp he7 "wndproc" SubclassWindow(he7 &sub.EditSubclassProc7)
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_TIMER
,sel wParam
,,case 1
,,KillTimer hDlg wParam
,,goto giaaut
,,;case 4
,,;KillTimer hDlg wParam
,,;goto giaati
,,case 2
,,KillTimer hDlg wParam
,,goto giamac
,,case 3
,,KillTimer hDlg wParam
,,goto giafun

int hlb12=id(12 hDlg) 

sel wParam
,case EN_CHANGE<<16|8
,SetTimer hDlg 1 100 0
,;case EN_CHANGE<<16|9
,;SetTimer hDlg 4 100 0
,case EN_CHANGE<<16|3
,SetTimer hDlg 2 100 0
,case EN_CHANGE<<16|7
,SetTimer hDlg 3 100 0
,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|4
,goto gShowSelected4
,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|10
,goto gShowSelected10
,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|11
,goto gShowSelected11
,case LBN_SELCHANGE<<16|11
,str lb11si
,_i=LB_SelectedItem(lParam lb11si)
,str lb12ii itemslb12=sub.gotoitemedit(lb11si)
,SendMessage(hlb12 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0)
,itemslb12.findreplace(":sub.Sub" "   ")
,itemslb12.findreplace(";;" "   ")
,foreach lb12ii itemslb12
,,LB_Add(hlb12 lb12ii)
,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|12
,str lb12t
,_i=LB_SelectedItem(lParam lb12t)
,LB_SelectedItem id(11 hDlg) _s 
,;mes _s
,mac+ _s
,int c=GetQmCodeEditor
,SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GOTOLINE _i+1 0)
,int ii=findrx(lb12t "\d" 0 1)
,int cp=SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GETCURRENTPOS 0 0)
,SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GOTOPOS cp 0)
,case IDOK
ret 1

int hlb4=id(4 hDlg)
SendMessage hlb4 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0
str s4 sEdit4.getwintext(id(3 hDlg)) 
foreach s4 iamac
,if(sEdit4.len and find(s4 sEdit4 0 1)<0) continue
,LB_Add hlb4 s4

int hlb10=id(10 hDlg)
SendMessage hlb10 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0
str s10 sEdit10.getwintext(id(7 hDlg)) 
foreach s10 iafun
,if(sEdit10.len and find(s10 sEdit10 0 1)<0) continue
,LB_Add hlb10 s10

int hlb11=id(11 hDlg)
SendMessage hlb11 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0
str s11 sEdit11.getwintext(id(8 hDlg)) 
foreach s11 iaaut
,if(sEdit11.len and find(s11 sEdit11 0 1)<0) continue
,LB_Add hlb11 s11

;SendMessage hlb12 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0
;str s12 sEdit12.getwintext(id(9 hDlg))
;ARRAY(str) iaati
;foreach s12 iaati
,;if(sEdit12.len and find(s12 sEdit11 0 1)<0) continue
,;LB_Add hlb12 s12

hlb4=id(4 hDlg)
LB_GetItemText hlb4 _i _s 
mac _s

hlb10=id(10 hDlg)
LB_GetItemText hlb10 _i _s
mac _s

hlb11=id(11 hDlg)
LB_GetItemText hlb11 _i _s
mac+ _s

#sub EditSubclassProc3
function# hWnd message wParam lParam

;OutWinMsg message wParam lParam
sel message

,sel wParam
,,SendMessage id(4 GetParent(hWnd)) message wParam lParam
,,SendMessage GetParent(hWnd) WM_COMMAND LBN_DBLCLK<<16|4 hWnd

int wndproc=GetProp(hWnd "wndproc"); if(!wndproc) ret
ret CallWindowProcW(wndproc hWnd message wParam lParam)

#sub EditSubclassProc7
function# hWnd message wParam lParam

;OutWinMsg message wParam lParam
sel message

,sel wParam
,,SendMessage id(10 GetParent(hWnd)) message wParam lParam
,,SendMessage GetParent(hWnd) WM_COMMAND LBN_DBLCLK<<16|10 hWnd

int wndproc=GetProp(hWnd "wndproc"); if(!wndproc) ret
ret CallWindowProcW(wndproc hWnd message wParam lParam)

#sub EditSubclassProc8
function# hWnd message wParam lParam

;OutWinMsg message wParam lParam
sel message

,sel wParam
,,SendMessage id(11 GetParent(hWnd)) message wParam lParam
,,SendMessage GetParent(hWnd) WM_COMMAND LBN_DBLCLK<<16|11 hWnd

int wndproc=GetProp(hWnd "wndproc"); if(!wndproc) ret
ret CallWindowProcW(wndproc hWnd message wParam lParam)

#sub gotoitemedit
function~ ~name

str pattern="(?:.*\:sub\..*)"

_s.getmacro(name 0)
str ss d
int i
ARRAY(str) a
findrx(_s pattern 0 4 a)
for i 0 a.len
,d.formata("%s[]" a[0 i])

ret d.trim
You made a few mistakes and code can be changed dramatically. will post soon away from pc.
Thanks for your help, I am very curious to know how the code is improved, I am waiting for your release Smile
don't have enough time to post full code but will post a few things that need fixing 
#1 you only need 1 sub.EditSubclassProc function also you need to make sure you remove props when the dialog closes. 
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,SetProp id(8 hDlg) "wndproc" SubclassWindow((id(8 hDlg)) &sub.EditSubclassProc) 
,SetProp id(3 hDlg) "wndproc" SubclassWindow((id(3 hDlg)) &sub.EditSubclassProc) 
,SetProp id(7 hDlg) "wndproc" SubclassWindow((id(7 hDlg)) &sub.EditSubclassProc) 
,RemoveProp id(8 hDlg) "wndproc" ;;remove prop on dialog close
,RemoveProp id(3 hDlg) "wndproc" ;;remove prop on dialog close
,RemoveProp id(7 hDlg) "wndproc" ;;remove prop on dialog close    
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#sub EditSubclassProc
function# hWnd message wParam lParam
int cid=GetDlgCtrlID(hWnd)
int Phwnd= GetParent(hWnd)
;OutWinMsg message wParam lParam
sel message
,sel(wParam) case [VK_RETURN] ret DLGC_WANTALLKEYS    
,sel wParam ;;virtual key code
,,case VK_RETURN
,,;on enter in the edit box select the item in the list box
,,sel cid
,,,case 3
,,,SendMessage Phwnd WM_COMMAND LBN_DBLCLK<<16|GetDlgCtrlID(id(4 Phwnd)) id(4 Phwnd)
,,,case 7
,,,SendMessage Phwnd WM_COMMAND LBN_DBLCLK<<16|GetDlgCtrlID(id(10 Phwnd)) id(10 Phwnd)
,,,case 8
,,,SendMessage Phwnd WM_COMMAND LBN_DBLCLK<<16|GetDlgCtrlID(id(11 Phwnd)) id(11 Phwnd)
,,;relay these keys to the listbox and not to the edit box
,,sel cid
,,,case 3
,,,SendMessage id(4 Phwnd) message wParam lParam            
,,,case 7
,,,SendMessage id(10 Phwnd) message wParam lParam
,,,case 8
,,,SendMessage id(11 Phwnd) message wParam lParam

int wndproc=GetProp(hWnd "wndproc"); if(!wndproc) ret
ret CallWindowProcW(wndproc hWnd message wParam lParam)

also dont need multiple calls to qmtiem can do all in 1 call. 
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QMITEM q; int i
ARRAY(str) aaut amac afun
,i=qmitem(-i 2 &q 1)
,if(i=0) break
,sel q.itype
,,case 0
,,case 1
,,case 4
str iamac=amac
str iafun=afun
str iaaut=aaut

dont need set timer when dialog starts it slows down the display of the lists

load list like this instead
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str controls = "3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12"
str e3 lb4 e7 e8 e9 lb10 lb11 lb12

will post full code when i have more time.
Thank you very much for your guidance Heart , I will try it carefully.

The following is a modified code according to your instructions, very good

I just found a little problem,

The Enter key cannot be used on other windows, for example, creating a new macro
Macro code:
Mes "ok"

Then from the search box, use the Enter key to open it, then press Enter again, the pop-up window can not be closed

Function Macro11
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QMITEM q; int i
ARRAY(str) aaut amac afun
,i=qmitem(-i 2 &q 1)
,if(i=0) break
,sel q.itype
,,case 0
,,case 1
,,case 4
str iamac=amac
str iafun=afun
str iaaut=aaut

str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80A44 0x100 0 0 409 163 "Dialog"
;3 Edit 0x54030080 0x200 5 22 96 14 ""
;7 Edit 0x54030080 0x204 106 22 96 14 ""
;8 Edit 0x54030080 0x204 207 22 96 14 ""
;9 Edit 0x54030080 0x204 308 22 96 14 ""
;4 ListBox 0x54230101 0x200 5 37 96 120 "" "Double click Run the Macro[]Right click Open the Macro"
;10 ListBox 0x54230101 0x204 106 37 96 120 "" "Double click Run the Funtion[]Right click Open the Funtion"
;11 ListBox 0x54230101 0x204 207 37 96 120 "" "Double click Open the AutoText"
;12 ListBox 0x54230101 0x204 308 37 96 120 "" "Double click Open the AutoText item"
;6 Static 0x54000000 0x0 37 8 48 12 "Macro"
;13 Static 0x54000000 0x0 133 8 48 12 "Function"
;14 Static 0x54000000 0x0 238 8 48 12 "Autotext"
;15 Static 0x54000000 0x0 333 8 48 12 "AutoText item"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040801 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "3 7 8 9 4 10 11 12"
str e3 e7 e8 e9 lb4 lb10 lb11 lb12

if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret

#sub DlgProc v
function# hDlg message wParam lParam

sel message
,SendMessage id(3 hDlg) EM_SETCUEBANNER TRUE @"Search Macro"
,SendMessage id(7 hDlg) EM_SETCUEBANNER TRUE @"Search Function"
,SendMessage id(8 hDlg) EM_SETCUEBANNER TRUE @"Search AutoText"
,SendMessage id(9 hDlg) EM_SETCUEBANNER TRUE @"Search AutoText item"
,SetProp id(8 hDlg) "wndproc" SubclassWindow((id(8 hDlg)) &sub.EditSubclassProc)
,SetProp id(3 hDlg) "wndproc" SubclassWindow((id(3 hDlg)) &sub.EditSubclassProc)
,SetProp id(7 hDlg) "wndproc" SubclassWindow((id(7 hDlg)) &sub.EditSubclassProc)
,RemoveProp id(8 hDlg) "wndproc" ;;remove prop on dialog close
,RemoveProp id(3 hDlg) "wndproc" ;;remove prop on dialog close
,RemoveProp id(7 hDlg) "wndproc" ;;remove prop on dialog close
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_TIMER
,sel wParam
,,case 1
,,KillTimer hDlg wParam
,,goto giaaut
,,;case 4
,,;KillTimer hDlg wParam
,,;goto giaati
,,case 2
,,KillTimer hDlg wParam
,,goto giamac
,,case 3
,,KillTimer hDlg wParam
,,goto giafun

int hlb12=id(12 hDlg) 

sel wParam
,case EN_CHANGE<<16|8
,SetTimer hDlg 1 100 0
,;case EN_CHANGE<<16|9
,;SetTimer hDlg 4 100 0
,case EN_CHANGE<<16|3
,SetTimer hDlg 2 100 0
,case EN_CHANGE<<16|7
,SetTimer hDlg 3 100 0
,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|4
,goto gShowSelected4
,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|10
,goto gShowSelected10
,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|11
,goto gShowSelected11
,case LBN_SELCHANGE<<16|11
,str lb11si
,_i=LB_SelectedItem(lParam lb11si)
,str lb12ii itemslb12=sub.gotoitemedit(lb11si)
,SendMessage(hlb12 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0)
,itemslb12.findreplace(":sub.Sub" "   ")
,itemslb12.findreplace(";;" "   ")
,foreach lb12ii itemslb12
,,LB_Add(hlb12 lb12ii)
,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|12
,str lb12t
,_i=LB_SelectedItem(lParam lb12t)
,LB_SelectedItem id(11 hDlg) _s 
,;mes _s
,mac+ _s
,int c=GetQmCodeEditor
,SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GOTOLINE _i+1 0)
,int ii=findrx(lb12t "\d" 0 1)
,int cp=SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GETCURRENTPOS 0 0)
,SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GOTOPOS cp 0)
,case IDOK
ret 1

int hlb4=id(4 hDlg)
SendMessage hlb4 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0
str s4 sEdit4.getwintext(id(3 hDlg)) 
foreach s4 iamac
,if(sEdit4.len and find(s4 sEdit4 0 1)<0) continue
,LB_Add hlb4 s4

int hlb10=id(10 hDlg)
SendMessage hlb10 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0
str s10 sEdit10.getwintext(id(7 hDlg)) 
foreach s10 iafun
,if(sEdit10.len and find(s10 sEdit10 0 1)<0) continue
,LB_Add hlb10 s10

int hlb11=id(11 hDlg)
SendMessage hlb11 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0
str s11 sEdit11.getwintext(id(8 hDlg)) 
foreach s11 iaaut
,if(sEdit11.len and find(s11 sEdit11 0 1)<0) continue
,LB_Add hlb11 s11

;SendMessage hlb12 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0
;str s12 sEdit12.getwintext(id(9 hDlg))
;ARRAY(str) iaati
;foreach s12 iaati
,;if(sEdit12.len and find(s12 sEdit11 0 1)<0) continue
,;LB_Add hlb12 s12

hlb4=id(4 hDlg)
LB_GetItemText hlb4 _i _s 
mac _s

hlb10=id(10 hDlg)
LB_GetItemText hlb10 _i _s
mac _s

hlb11=id(11 hDlg)
LB_GetItemText hlb11 _i _s
mac+ _s

#sub EditSubclassProc
function# hWnd message wParam lParam
int cid=GetDlgCtrlID(hWnd)
int Phwnd= GetParent(hWnd)
;OutWinMsg message wParam lParam
sel message
,sel(wParam) case [VK_RETURN] ret DLGC_WANTALLKEYS
,sel wParam ;;virtual key code
,,case VK_RETURN
,,;on enter in the edit box select the item in the list box
,,sel cid
,,,case 3
,,,SendMessage Phwnd WM_COMMAND LBN_DBLCLK<<16|GetDlgCtrlID(id(4 Phwnd)) id(4 Phwnd)
,,,case 7
,,,SendMessage Phwnd WM_COMMAND LBN_DBLCLK<<16|GetDlgCtrlID(id(10 Phwnd)) id(10 Phwnd)
,,,case 8
,,,SendMessage Phwnd WM_COMMAND LBN_DBLCLK<<16|GetDlgCtrlID(id(11 Phwnd)) id(11 Phwnd)
,,;relay these keys to the listbox and not to the edit box
,,sel cid
,,,case 3
,,,SendMessage id(4 Phwnd) message wParam lParam
,,,case 7
,,,SendMessage id(10 Phwnd) message wParam lParam
,,,case 8
,,,SendMessage id(11 Phwnd) message wParam lParam

int wndproc=GetProp(hWnd "wndproc"); if(!wndproc) ret
ret CallWindowProcW(wndproc hWnd message wParam lParam)

#sub gotoitemedit
function~ ~name

str pattern="(?:.*\:sub\..*)"

_s.getmacro(name 0)
str ss d
int i
ARRAY(str) a
findrx(_s pattern 0 4 a)
for i 0 a.len
,d.formata("%s[]" a[0 i])

ret d.trim
I want to add the function of the right click to open the item, but it doesn't work. I don't understand the code below.
How to add the following sub-function to the above code? 
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,Acc a.FromMouse
,int rcrn=a.Role
,str rcitem=a.Name
,if rcrn=34
,,int rccbh=a.Hwnd
,,int rciti= a.elem -1
,,mac "sub.rcmessage" "" rcrn rcitem rciti rccbh
,,mac "sub.rcmessage" "" rcrn rcitem
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#sub rcmessage
function i [~item][itemindex][chwnd]
str mtext
sel i
,case 43:
,mtext="button was right clicked"
,,;mac+ item
,case 34:
,,;mtext.format("combo list item: (%s) was right clicked" item)
,,;CB_SelectItem(chwnd itemindex)
,,mac+ item
,case 33:
,,mtext="combo list was right clicked on an empty item"
Again i think that there is something wrong with your qm as any function that has optional function arguments doesn't seem to work for you when it should.
Is there any problem with the operating system?
I am using Simplified Chinese windows 7 64 bit

I often encounter situations where variables cannot be refreshed. New variables can only be used if QM is restarted.

I added a right click event and it succeeded, thanks   Tongue

Macro OK
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QMITEM q; int i
ARRAY(str) aaut amac afun
,i=qmitem(-i 2 &q 1)
,if(i=0) break
,sel q.itype
,,case 0
,,case 1
,,case 4
str iamac=amac
str iafun=afun
str iaaut=aaut

str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80A44 0x100 0 0 409 163 "Dialog"
;3 Edit 0x54030080 0x200 5 22 96 14 ""
;7 Edit 0x54030080 0x204 106 22 96 14 ""
;8 Edit 0x54030080 0x204 207 22 96 14 ""
;9 Edit 0x54030080 0x204 308 22 96 14 ""
;4 ListBox 0x54230101 0x200 5 37 96 120 "" "Double click Run the Macro[]Right click Open the Macro"
;10 ListBox 0x54230101 0x204 106 37 96 120 "" "Double click Run the Funtion[]Right click Open the Funtion"
;11 ListBox 0x54230101 0x204 207 37 96 120 "" "Double click Open the AutoText"
;12 ListBox 0x54230101 0x204 308 37 96 120 "" "Double click Open the AutoText item"
;6 Static 0x54000000 0x0 37 8 48 12 "Macro"
;13 Static 0x54000000 0x0 133 8 48 12 "Function"
;14 Static 0x54000000 0x0 238 8 48 12 "Autotext"
;15 Static 0x54000000 0x0 333 8 48 12 "AutoText item"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040801 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "3 7 8 9 4 10 11 12"
str e3 e7 e8 e9 lb4 lb10 lb11 lb12

if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret

#sub DlgProc v
function# hDlg message wParam lParam

sel message

,int hslb4=id(4 hDlg) ;;list
,SetWindowSubclass hslb4 &sub.WndProc_Subclass 1 0
,int hslb10=id(10 hDlg) ;;list
,SetWindowSubclass hslb10 &sub.WndProc_Subclass 1 0
,int hslb11=id(11 hDlg) ;;list
,SetWindowSubclass hslb11 &sub.WndProc_Subclass 1 0
,SendMessage id(3 hDlg) EM_SETCUEBANNER TRUE @"Search Macro"
,SendMessage id(7 hDlg) EM_SETCUEBANNER TRUE @"Search Function"
,SendMessage id(8 hDlg) EM_SETCUEBANNER TRUE @"Search AutoText"
,SendMessage id(9 hDlg) EM_SETCUEBANNER TRUE @"Search AutoText item"
,SetProp id(8 hDlg) "wndproc" SubclassWindow((id(8 hDlg)) &sub.EditSubclassProc)
,SetProp id(3 hDlg) "wndproc" SubclassWindow((id(3 hDlg)) &sub.EditSubclassProc)
,SetProp id(7 hDlg) "wndproc" SubclassWindow((id(7 hDlg)) &sub.EditSubclassProc)
,RemoveProp id(8 hDlg) "wndproc" ;;remove prop on dialog close
,RemoveProp id(3 hDlg) "wndproc" ;;remove prop on dialog close
,RemoveProp id(7 hDlg) "wndproc" ;;remove prop on dialog close
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_TIMER
,sel wParam
,,case 1
,,KillTimer hDlg wParam
,,goto giaaut
,,;case 4
,,;KillTimer hDlg wParam
,,;goto giaati
,,case 2
,,KillTimer hDlg wParam
,,goto giamac
,,case 3
,,KillTimer hDlg wParam
,,goto giafun

int hlb12=id(12 hDlg)

sel wParam
,case EN_CHANGE<<16|8
,SetTimer hDlg 1 100 0
,;case EN_CHANGE<<16|9
,;SetTimer hDlg 4 100 0
,case EN_CHANGE<<16|3
,SetTimer hDlg 2 100 0
,case EN_CHANGE<<16|7
,SetTimer hDlg 3 100 0
,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|4
,goto gShowSelected4
,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|10
,goto gShowSelected10
,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|11
,goto gShowSelected11
,case LBN_SELCHANGE<<16|11
,str lb11si
,_i=LB_SelectedItem(lParam lb11si)
,str lb12ii itemslb12=sub.gotoitemedit(lb11si)
,SendMessage(hlb12 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0)
,itemslb12.findreplace(":sub.Sub" "   ")
,itemslb12.findreplace(";;" "   ")
,foreach lb12ii itemslb12
,,LB_Add(hlb12 lb12ii)
,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|12
,str lb12t
,_i=LB_SelectedItem(lParam lb12t)
,LB_SelectedItem id(11 hDlg) _s
,;mes _s
,mac+ _s
,int c=GetQmCodeEditor
,SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GOTOLINE _i+1 0)
,int ii=findrx(lb12t "\d" 0 1)
,int cp=SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GETCURRENTPOS 0 0)
,SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GOTOPOS cp 0)
,case IDOK
ret 1

int hlb4=id(4 hDlg)
SendMessage hlb4 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0
str s4 sEdit4.getwintext(id(3 hDlg))
foreach s4 iamac
,if(sEdit4.len and find(s4 sEdit4 0 1)<0) continue
,LB_Add hlb4 s4

int hlb10=id(10 hDlg)
SendMessage hlb10 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0
str s10 sEdit10.getwintext(id(7 hDlg))
foreach s10 iafun
,if(sEdit10.len and find(s10 sEdit10 0 1)<0) continue
,LB_Add hlb10 s10

int hlb11=id(11 hDlg)
SendMessage hlb11 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0
str s11 sEdit11.getwintext(id(8 hDlg))
foreach s11 iaaut
,if(sEdit11.len and find(s11 sEdit11 0 1)<0) continue
,LB_Add hlb11 s11

;SendMessage hlb12 LB_RESETCONTENT 0 0
;str s12 sEdit12.getwintext(id(9 hDlg))
;ARRAY(str) iaati
;foreach s12 iaati
,;if(sEdit12.len and find(s12 sEdit11 0 1)<0) continue
,;LB_Add hlb12 s12

hlb4=id(4 hDlg)
LB_GetItemText hlb4 _i _s
mac _s

hlb10=id(10 hDlg)
LB_GetItemText hlb10 _i _s
mac _s

hlb11=id(11 hDlg)
LB_GetItemText hlb11 _i _s
mac+ _s

#sub EditSubclassProc
function# hWnd message wParam lParam
int cid=GetDlgCtrlID(hWnd)
int Phwnd= GetParent(hWnd)
;OutWinMsg message wParam lParam
sel message
,sel(wParam) case [VK_RETURN] ret DLGC_WANTALLKEYS
,sel wParam ;;virtual key code
,,case VK_RETURN
,,;on enter in the edit box select the item in the list box
,,sel cid
,,,case 3
,,,SendMessage Phwnd WM_COMMAND LBN_DBLCLK<<16|GetDlgCtrlID(id(4 Phwnd)) id(4 Phwnd)
,,,case 7
,,,SendMessage Phwnd WM_COMMAND LBN_DBLCLK<<16|GetDlgCtrlID(id(10 Phwnd)) id(10 Phwnd)
,,,case 8
,,,SendMessage Phwnd WM_COMMAND LBN_DBLCLK<<16|GetDlgCtrlID(id(11 Phwnd)) id(11 Phwnd)
,,;relay these keys to the listbox and not to the edit box
,,sel cid
,,,case 3
,,,SendMessage id(4 Phwnd) message wParam lParam
,,,case 7
,,,SendMessage id(10 Phwnd) message wParam lParam
,,,case 8
,,,SendMessage id(11 Phwnd) message wParam lParam

int wndproc=GetProp(hWnd "wndproc"); if(!wndproc) ret
ret CallWindowProcW(wndproc hWnd message wParam lParam)

#sub gotoitemedit
function~ ~name

str pattern="(?:.*\:sub\..*)"

_s.getmacro(name 0)
str ss d
int i
ARRAY(str) a
findrx(_s pattern 0 4 a)
for i 0 a.len
,d.formata("%s[]" a[0 i])

ret d.trim

#sub WndProc_Subclass
function# hwnd message wParam lParam uIdSubclass dwRefData

;This function can be used with SetWindowSubclass as window procedure.
;<help>SetWindowSubclass</help> is the recommended way to subclass windows. Easier and safer than SetWindowLong. Example: SetWindowSubclass(hwnd &sub.WndProc_Subclass 1 0)

;OutWinMsg message wParam lParam ;;uncomment to see received messages
sel message
,Acc a.FromMouse
,int rcrn=a.Role
,str rcitem=a.Name
,if rcrn=34
,,int rccbh=a.Hwnd
,,int rciti= a.elem -1
,,mac "sub.rcmessage" "" rcrn rcitem rciti rccbh
,,mac "sub.rcmessage" "" rcrn rcitem
int R=DefSubclassProc(hwnd message wParam lParam)

sel message
,RemoveWindowSubclass(hwnd &sub.WndProc_Subclass uIdSubclass) ;;replace ThisFunction with the name of this function or subfunction (eg sub.WndProc_Subclass)
,;case ...

ret R

#sub rcmessage
function# i ~item #itemindex #chwnd
str mtext
sel i
,case 43:
,mtext="button was right clicked"
,case 34:
,,;mtext.format("combo list item: (%s) was right clicked" item)
,,CB_SelectItem(chwnd itemindex)
,,mac+ item
,case 33:
,,mtext="combo list was right clicked on an empty item"
Can you tell me how the following parameters are obtained? I do not understand, thanks Heart


    case 43:

    case 33:

OutWinMsg message wParam lParam ;;uncomment to see received messages

I use this line of commands to output parameters, but the output data is too much, how do I get the data I need?
I found the answer  Smile
The acc object is too powerful  Tongue

sel message
    Acc a.FromMouse
    int rcrn=a.Role    
    mes rcrn  ;;34
    str rcitem=a.Name

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