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Conversion from Unix Epoch Time
Hello Gintaras,
Hope all is well!
I have to convert from Unix Epoch Time to regular humna readable Date Time format.
eg. 1556915575 --> '5/3/2019 4:32 PM' 
I am not sure if this is already enabled by the DateTime functions in QM. 
I looked through and wasn't able to figure out myself.
A colleague gave me the code below for conversion. But before I went to figure out how to implement in QM, I thought I would check if this conversion not already supported by existing functions.

Thanks so much,
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 private string sUTCOffset = string.Empty;
private string sUNIXEpoch = "1-Jan-1970 00:00:00";
// Determine the daylightTime saving so the offset can be applied correctly.
TimeZoneInfo tzi = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time");
bool isDayLightSavingTime = tzi.IsDaylightSavingTime(DateTime.Now);
if (isDayLightSavingTime)
    sUTCOffset = " - 4/24";
sUTCOffset = " - 5/24";
// convert oracle unix date_time_created to datetime characters in c# codes
"TO_CHAR((TO_DATE('" + sUNIXEpoch + "','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') + (DOSR_STUDY.DATE_TIME_CREATED/60/60/24 ) " + sUTCOffset + " ), 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS DATE_TIME_CREATED
// convert oracle unix date_time_created to datetime in c# codes
to_date('" + sUNIXEpoch + "','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') + (dosr_study.DATE_TIME_CREATED/60/60/24) " + sUTCOffset + " ) AS Date_Time_Created,sysdate - " + Minutes + "/(24*60), "
Member function DateTime.FromUnix
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function long'time_t

;Initializes this variable from a C/Unix date/time - seconds since midnight January 1, 1970 UTC, aka C type time_t.

;To store Unix time you can use a variable of type int or long. Use long to avoid the year 2038 problem.

;DateTime t.FromUnix(0)
;out t.ToStr(4)
;out t.ToUnix


Member function DateTime.ToUnix
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;Converts to C/Unix date/time - seconds since midnight January 1, 1970 UTC, aka C type time_t.

;To store Unix time you can use a variable of type int or long. Use long to avoid the year 2038 problem.

ret t-116444736000000000/10000000
Thanks for such a rapid reply and useful function!
I was confused at first why I was 4 hours off using this function, when I realized about the offset from GMT and whether we were in Daylight Savings Time or not.
For my immediate purposes, I can hardcode these in, but it would be great to have a general use function.
I see the TimeZoneInfo class used in my colleagues example listed under .NET framework.  
If I understand correctly, .NET functions can't be easily pulled into QM. Is that correct?
The DateTime variable will have the same time zone offset as the Unix time variable. If the Unix time is UTC, then the DateTime variable is UTC too.

Macro Macro354
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DateTime t.FromUnix(0)
out t.ToStr
out t.ToStr
Wow - works perfectly. QM never fails to amaze me!
Thanks so much,

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