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You know how it is possible to pass ftp commands to a Unix server using the
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Ftp f.Connect
command structure?

Is it possible to do that with commad-line commands?
maybe we need a dll or ocx for it.
i need to send ssh commands to my virtual mac (pearpc), that would
allow me to pass urls from windows to macosx firefox ...
I came across this the need for this other day and was wondering if you could comment on its feasibility.

I just wanted to revisit this to get your thoughts on it if it is not possible at this time.
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
Telnet... This part of world is almost unknown to me.
rats...oh, well.
i put in a cronjob to create the file every 15 min and then scheduled a qm macro to go get it and parse it out and use the OnScreenDisplay.

thanks anyway.
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
Hi all,

Don't know much about ANY of this yet (other than QM is a killer program) but I know Python has a Telnet Class that can use the telnet protocols. In fact it supports sockets and most other internet protocols too.

I have no idea how to impliment it with QM tho as I'm as newbie as they get! Smile

Google telnet python for more info.

Hope that helps

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