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String Interpolation
Hello -

Does QM support String Interpolation ( when using C#?

I am trying the following code.
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//C# code
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class SampleFunction
    static void Main(string[] args)

And I get the following error. 

<macro "Scripting_Link /45 19 2 ''Macro2''">Macro2(45,19): error CS1056: Unexpected character '$'.    <help #IDP_ERR>?
No, QM2 uses older C# version, because Windows does not have the new C# compiler installed.
Thank You!
An additional question on using the C# side of things. I am trying to pass in some arguments but it looks like I have the syntax incorrect and cannot determine why.
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str output
output.from("Customer:" cstname)
CsExec("" F"/SampleFunction" "{output}")

This is executing the code above and fails. What is incorrect in my syntax?

And finally, is there a way to call another function from my current macro? For example, I have a Macro named Macro one and a Function called SampleFunction that I want to use in multiple macros. How do I call the SampleMacro function that is not in the current macro?
call like this need two single quotes  for other arguments besides 1st.
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CsExec("" F"/SampleFunction ''{output}''")

for the MesssageBox use Composite formatting:
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str cstname ="Mark"
str output
output.from("Customer:" cstname)
CsExec("" F"/SampleFunction  ''{output}''")
//C# code
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class SampleFunction
,static void Main(string[] args)
,,int i; for(i=0; i<args.Length; i++) Console.WriteLine(args[i]); //display in QM output
,,// Composite formatting:
,,MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Hello:{0}", args[1]));
,,Console.WriteLine("Hello:{0}", args[1]);
Quote:call like this need two single quotes  for other arguments besides 1st.

This same solved what I needed for the follow-up question. Thank you!  Big Grin

Can anyone assist on how to call a function stored elsewhere. I have a folder called Functions and a function called SampleFunction (written in C#) that I want to call from multiple macros. How can I do such?
you can call the qm function from any other function or macro like so
Macro Macro one
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read here for more info
Function tips (

and here
function (
Create new macro with this template: menu File / New / Templates /Scripting / Scripting C#, call various functions2.
In code click AddCode and press F1... You'll see, C# code can be anywhere.
Edit the x.AddCode("") line and delete code from #ret to the end. Or move the C# code to other macro etc. Also delete other example code you don't need.

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