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Remotecontrol a Computer with QM and Siri?
What would be the best way to remotecontrol a Computer with QM (start macros / functions / pass variables)?
Im asking because i want to control my PC at home while im at work (without the need to open a Remotedesktop) to be more productive and faster.

Best would be if i can create Shortcuts for Siri to use Voicecommands (and maybe Telegram Commands in a private chat if possible) that trigger Messages who start the Macros at home.
Security is also an important part of that. This is why i hope to get some useful feedback here from the pros.

If someone could even give me some working code where i can build on,
I would be more than happy because im not so good at programming.
Im only just good enough to make my macros work the way i want.

In return i can create a individual 3D Logo / rendered Image or Audiofiles for the people who really help me with this. Big Grin
Ok, now i almost found the solution with the help of a python script. Create a new Gmail account.
Create notes with Siri. These notes are synced with Gmail. Then you can use the Python script to fetch Gmail notes and run python modules with it.

Here is a tutorial how to do it:

Now i just need to find out how to pass the commands to my qm scripts. The interesting part will be, when i want to add variables to commands like:
Start Veeam Backup C
Start Veeam Backup D
Copy C:\Foldername to Googledrive
Copy C:\Foldername to Dropbox

Any help would be appreciated!

Edit: Oh i forgot...
I also need to find a way to send the output back to my phone. Big Grin
At least I found the Solution how to start macros from python script and it starting to work pretty well!

screenshot .py file
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#You can import any required modules here

#This can be anything you want
moduleName = "screen"

#All of the words must be heard in order for this module to be executed
commandWords = ["screen"]

def execute(command):
    import subprocess[r'C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\userscripts\SiriControl\modules\screen.bat'])

screenshot .bat file who starts the actual screenshot macro that sends a screenshot to my telegram
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"C:\Program Files (x86)\Quick Macros 2\qmcl.exe" M "{685e09af-2468-4a20-9696-8b7f032f7f98}screentotm"
timeout /T 1

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