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CsScript suport C# ver
I have encountered many similar problems, for example, the C # code below will prompt an error during execution 
#1. What is the highest supported version of C#?  C#5? 
#2. Is there a better way to make the code in QM support C#6? or High?  (.NET Framework 4.6 suport C#6.0)
Thanks for any suggestions and help

Macro Macro9
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;using System;
;using System.Linq;
;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
;public class Program
;,public static void Main()
;,,string s = "xzc abc(s \"(abc)\")); dfg()";
;,,string p = @"abc\(((?:(?>[^()]*)|\((?<Open>)|\)(?<-Open>))*(?(Open)(?!)))\)";
;,,string[] result = FindMatch(s, p);
;,,Console.WriteLine("Full match: " + result[0]);
;,,Console.WriteLine("Group matches: " + string.Join(", ", result.Skip(1)));
;,public static string[] FindMatch(string s, string pattern)
;,,Match match = Regex.Match(s, pattern);
;,,string fullMatch = match.Value;
;,,string[] groupMatches = null;
;,,if (match.Groups.Count > 1)
;,,,groupMatches = new string[match.Groups.Count - 1];
;,,,for (int i = 1; i < match.Groups.Count; i++)
;,,,,groupMatches[i - 1] = match.Groups[i].Value;
;,,return groupMatches == null ? new string[] { fullMatch } : new string[] { fullMatch }.Concat(groupMatches).ToArray();

str s=
;xzc abc(s \"(abc)\")); dfg()
str s2=

CsScript x.AddCode(_s)
out x.Call("Program.FindMatch" s s2)
C# 5.

QM uses C:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\CSC.EXE. It is installed with Windows.

It seems new csc.exe can be installed, but I did not test. Probably would install not in C:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319.
Thanks for your help! 
I used chatgpt to change the previous code to C # 5, but still reported the same error,
Using linqpad5, the codes can be executed successfully

Error (RT) in Macro10:  0x80131600, 
    C#(13,74): error CS1061: 'System.Array' does not contain a definition for 'Skip' and no extension method 'Skip' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Array' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    C#(31,81): error CS1061: 'System.Array' does not contain a definition for 'Concat' and no extension method 'Concat' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Array' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?).   

Macro Macro4
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;using System;
;using System.Linq;
;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
;public class Program
;;;;;public static void Main()
;;;;;;;;;string s = "xzc abc(s \"(abc)\")); dfg()";
;;;;;;;;;string p = @"abc\(((?:(?>[^()]*)|\((?<Open>)|\)(?<-Open>))*(?(Open)(?!)))\)";
;;;;;;;;;string[] result = FindMatch(s, p);
;;;;;;;;;Console.WriteLine("Full match: {0}", result[0]);
;;;;;;;;;Console.WriteLine("Group matches: {0}", string.Join(", ", result.Skip(1)));
;;;;;public static string[] FindMatch(string s, string pattern)
;;;;;;;;;Match match = Regex.Match(s, pattern);
;;;;;;;;;string fullMatch = match.Value;
;;;;;;;;;string[] groupMatches = null;
;;;;;;;;;if (match.Groups.Count > 1)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;groupMatches = new string[match.Groups.Count - 1];
;;;;;;;;;;;;;for (int i = 1; i < match.Groups.Count; i++)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;groupMatches[i - 1] = match.Groups[i].Value;
;;;;;;;;;return groupMatches == null ? new[] { fullMatch } : new[] { fullMatch }.Concat(groupMatches).ToArray();

str s=
;xzc abc(s \"(abc)\")); dfg()
str s2=

CsScript x.AddCode(_s)
out x.Call("Program.FindMatch" s s2)
I downloaded the csc.exe compiler for C # 6.0 and added the folder(C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin) to the environment variable Path
But when executing the following code, there is still an error 

How modify the csc.exe path used by QM? Is this possible?

Macro Macro5
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;using System;
;//C#6.0 Test
;class Program {
;;;;;static void Main() {
;;;;;;;;;var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
CsScript x.AddCode(_s)
out x.Call("Program.Main")
It seems impossible, but maybe.
google: ICodeCompiler change csc path
Replace the new version of CSC.exe and its related files to C:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
QM can execute C#6 C#7 code now, but the compilation speed is slow, around 3 seconds
Yes, it should be that slow, because uses Roslyn, which is a large and slow .NET library, and .NET code is JIT-compiled before can run. Each compilation executes new csc process. Cannot make faster.

LibreAutomate uses Roslyn too, therefore its startup and the first compilation are slow. But next compilations are fast. Also it uses good caching, therefore don't need to compile assemblies if the source code etc did not change. QM uses only in-memory caching.
thanks! Such is the case

I have encountered another problem:
Using the system's built-in csc.exe compiler:
macro cs5  is successful for Static function outStr (This method is very convenient for calling C # static methods)
macro cs6  is failed for Static function genGuid
 So, I use a higher version of the csc.exe compiler to export the code of cs6 to COM component DLL(And already registered RegisterNetComComponent "$desktop$\cs6.dll" 2|4), 
 How to call the static methods in COM components in QM? 

Macro cs5
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;using System;
;//C#5 Test
;public class cla
;,public static void outStr(string s)

CsScript x.AddCode(_s)

out x.Call("outStr" "hello") ;;OK

Macro cs6
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;using System;
;//C#6 Test
;public class cla
;,public static string genGuid()
;,,var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
;,,string s = $"{guid:N}\r\n{guid:D}\r\n{guid:B}\r\n{guid:P}";
;,,return s;

CsScript x.AddCode(_s)

out x.Call("genGuid") ;;No
COM methods cannot be static. Probably need to define an interface, and a class that implements it, add ComVisible attribute, define that interface in QM too, in QM create object of that interface type, and call functions through that object. Not tested.
Note: QM does not support current .NET versions. Supports .NET 4.x, but not 5, 6, 7, 8...
Thanks for your guidance! I have learned a lot

It's a bit strange, using built-in compiler
[Image: a.gif]

Macro Macro4
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;using System;
;namespace ns1
;,public class cla1
;,,public static void func(string s)

CsScript x.AddCode(_s)
;x.Call("ns1.cla1.func" "test")
x.Call("cla1.func" "test")
CsScript.Call help
function` $name [`a1] [`a2] [`a3] [`a4] [`a5] [`a6] [`a7] [`a8] [`a9] [`a10]      <tip "PARAMETERS">?

Calls a public static function (method or property).
Returns its return value.

name - function name.
  Can be full name, like "Class1.Func1", "Namespace1.Class1.Func1", "VbModule.Func1", or just function name.
  If function name is "*", calls the first found public static function.
  If function name is "", calls the entry function (usually Main; see <open>CsScript.Exec).
  To set or get a property, add set_ or get_ prefix to the property name.
a1-a10 - arguments.

Use <help>CsScript.AddCode to add code that contains the function.
The class or VB module must be public too.
Automatically converts argument and return types, if possible. For example, int to bool, int to uint, int to string, string to DateTime, DATE to DateTime. To pass by reference, instead <help "CsScript example - create object">create object.
Supports overloads that have different number of parameters. If number of parameters is same, calls the first overload and converts argument types if need.

See also: <help>CsFunc, <help>VbFunc

Errors: <fa "4504362 /5575008 ERR_INIT">ERR_INIT, <fa "4504362 /5575008 >errors">>errors.    <help #IDP_ERR>?

Class help: <tip>CsScript help

 so on second call
syntax should be
Copy      Help
;using System;
;namespace ns1
;,public class cla1
;,,public static void func(string s)

CsScript x.AddCode(_s)
;x.Call("ns1.cla1.func" "test")
x.Call("func" "test")
Thanks for your help 
 Deleting namespaces can be executed successfully 
 In some code, including namespaces or class can also be executed successfully,
like: "Namespace1.Class1.Func1", "Class1.Func1", "Func1"

Macro Macro3
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;using System;
;,public class cla1
;,,public static void func(string s)

CsScript x.AddCode(_s)
;x.Call("ns1.cla1.func" "test")
x.Call("cla1.func" "test")
The following C # code failed to execute 
I searched for a lot of information but couldn't find the problem  Huh

The code below is C# 4.0 version, Using linqpad5 can execute successfully

Cannot include extension methods? (.Concat  .Skip)

Macro M1
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;using System;
;using System.Linq;
;using System.Collections.Generic;
;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
;public class cs
;,public static void Main()
;,,string s = "xzc abc(s \"(abc)\")); dfg()";
;,,string p = @"abc\(((?:(?>[^()]*)|\((?<Open>)|\)(?<-Open>))*(?(Open)(?!)))\)";
;,,string[] result = matches(s, p);
;,,Console.WriteLine("Full match: {0}", result[0]);
;,,Console.WriteLine("Group matches: {0}", string.Join(", ", result.Skip(1)));
;,public static string[] matches(string s, string pattern)
;,,Match match = Regex.Match(s, pattern);
;,,string fullMatch = match.Value;
;,,string[] groupMatches = null;
;,,if (match.Groups.Count > 1)
;,,,groupMatches = new string[match.Groups.Count - 1];
;,,,for (int i = 1; i < match.Groups.Count; i++)
;,,,,groupMatches[i - 1] = match.Groups[i].Value;
;,,return groupMatches == null ? new string[] { fullMatch } : new string[] { fullMatch }.Concat(groupMatches).ToArray();
CsScript x.AddCode(_s)
Macro Macro3174
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CsScript x.SetOptions("references=System.Core")
thank you so much!

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