01-31-2024, 11:02 AM
is Python 3.12 with PyWin32 306 usable with Quick Macros 2?
Python 3.11 with PyWin32 306 works without problems.
Using Python 3.12, the
correct Dlls (pythoncom312.dll, pywintypes312.dll) are loaded,
but I get the error
PyAddCode error: 0x800A017C,
A script engine for the specified language can not be created.
is Python 3.12 with PyWin32 306 usable with Quick Macros 2?
Python 3.11 with PyWin32 306 works without problems.
Using Python 3.12, the
correct Dlls (pythoncom312.dll, pywintypes312.dll) are loaded,
but I get the error
PyAddCode error: 0x800A017C,
A script engine for the specified language can not be created.