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[split] Wrong size of HwndHost-ed controls
Sometimes there are black borders visible on the right and bottom sides of the panel, as shown in the screenshot below.
Is there a command similar to a soft restart like QM(shutdown -2)? This would be very useful. Linqpad has also added it for releasing memory and solving some strange minor issues.
Quote:Sometimes there are black borders visible on the right and bottom sides of the panel, as shown in the screenshot below.
I can't reproduce and fix it. Maybe depends on hardware.
Quote:Is there a command similar to a soft restart like QM(shutdown -2)?
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// script ""
/*/ role editorExtension; testInternal Au.Editor; r Au.Editor.dll; /*/
Regarding the black border issue mentioned in #62
the issue in the following image seems to be similar. Unidentified characters appear on the right side of the scrollbar.
Both issues occur frequently and randomly.
Let this script run when LA stars. Eg add it to the list of startup scripts in Options > Workspace.

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/*/ role editorExtension; /*/
using System.Windows.Interop;
using System.Windows.Media;

RenderOptions.ProcessRenderMode = RenderMode.SoftwareOnly;
Effective, thank you.
After several days of testing, many minor issues have disappeared.
Can the above functionality be added as a checkbox option under Options --> Other ?
□ Soft RenderMode
Next LA always uses this mode.

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