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Set Programm exe version - change folder path
How do i set the version for the generated exe file? If I click on the version button, I got the instruction to do it in the file. If I insert [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")], I will get a compile error that the version definition is double defined.

The second thing is, that I use a toolbar. In the compiled exe file, the toolbar settings file will be always created under the user/documents/LibreAutomate folder. I need to change that to the user/AppData/Roaming/AppName folder. How can I do that?
Thank you!
1. I see this version error when using menu Run > Publish. This bug will be fixed in next LA version. No error when creating exe without Publish.

2. Currently cannot be changed. In next version will add parameter settingsFile. Example:
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var t = new toolbar("jdhgfeugfhghdbvj", settingsFile: @"C:\Test\aToolbar1.json");


Next LA should be released this month.
the bug above, that I cannot add the [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")], because I will get a compile error that the version definition is double defined, still exists. Most of the Assembly... attributes, generated by the version button in the properties dialog, cannot be used.
Can you fix that please?
Thank you!
Add class file named "AssemblyInfo.cs" to the project folder. Move the attribute there. Else the dotnet compiler auto-generates and compiles a standard "AssemblyInfo.cs" file that contains [assembly: AssemblyVersion("...")]. In several previous LibreAutomate versions this feature was disabled completely, but the last version disables it only if "AssemblyInfo.cs" already exists.
Fixed in LA 1.7.1.

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