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is the an easy way to put a character into a number to mark the thousands, millions etc?
to this
or this if not in the US
285.798.181 :wink:
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member function str.Format100
function [VARIANT'numberstring] [$delimiter];;1245657864 "."
;Formats numberstring 1245657864 to 1.245.657.864
;Default: itself.
;delimiter default is '.'
;!!! NOT implemented: check for double !!!
;str s
;s.Format100(252545 ",")
;out s
if(!numberstring) numberstring=this;else this=numberstring
if(!delimiter) delimiter="."
ARRAY(int) h.create(3)
h[0] = 9
h[1] = 6
h[2] = 3
if this.len>=10
,this.insert(delimiter this.len-h[0])
,this.insert(delimiter this.len-h[1])
,this.insert(delimiter this.len-h[2])
else if this.len>=7
,this.insert(delimiter this.len-h[1])
,this.insert(delimiter this.len-h[2])
else if this.len>=4
,this.insert(delimiter this.len-h[2])
double needs to be implemented.
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it's a beautiful thing; thanks!
I'll watch out for the double.
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This also works for double.
str s="-1234567.1234567"
strrev s
s.replacerx("(\d{3})(?=\d+($|[^\.\w]))" "$1,")
strrev s
out s
There should be an API function for this, but I could not find.
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"strrev" is that new?
it doesn't show up coloured for me.
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For QM versions before 2.2.0, declare it:
dll msvcrt [_strrev]$strrev $string
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It will become coloured after you run the code and reopen the macro or refresh colors.
In QM 2.2.0, everything that is in WINAPI don't have to be declared in macros.
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yep...there it is.
man, RX kicks my can every time!
do you know of a good book on RX?
PS: thanks! i'll have to rember the strrev thing; could come in handy somewhere else too.
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Member function: str.AddCommasToNumbers
;Adds commas to large numbers.
;Note: the number must become a string before sending to this funcion.
;str s="1234567.1234567"
;out s
strrev this
this.replacerx("(\d{3})(?=\d+($|[^\.\w]))" "$1,")
strrev this