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Can you use https with IntPost? Any example

Don't remember, need to try. Instead of IntPost you can use functions of Http class.

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ARRAY(POSTFIELD) a.create(2)
a[0].name="testtxt"; a[0].value="some text"; a[0].isfile=0
a[1].name="testfile"; a[1].value="$desktop$\test.gif"; a[1].isfile=1
Http h.Connect("" "" "" 433) ;;433 is https port
str response
if(!h.PostFormData("form.php" a response)) end "failed"
out response
Can you send a http header with it?
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if(!h.PostFormData("form.php" a r "User-agent: QM")) end "failed"
For some reason i cannot get the example you wrote to work. According to the requests its trying to connect to:

This is causing qm to say server not found. I need it to connect to:

Is this possible?
Use "" with Connect. Use "test/test.php" with PostFormData.
I changed it but it still appends :443 like

Also, the variable that is sent has a whole bunch of %22, %20 ext.. in the string? Any thoughts on why?
PostFormData urlencodes the data and adds "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" header. The server should urldecode it.

Appending :port to server is alternative way to specify port.
I understand, I need to post to the following with the syntax below:

If i don't call it as above, the server won't respond. Is this possible? Thanks for all the help.
Maybe there are hidden input fields that you don't send.
Is there a way to post data as xml not x-www-form-urlencoded
Needs editing Http.PostFormData and Http.Post functions. Make copies of them, edit these copies, and use them. In the first function, remove .escape(9) and change Post in this code:

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,,s.formata("%s%s=%s" iif(i "&" "") s1.escape(9) s2.escape(9))
,ret Post(action s responsepage headers)

In the second function, change the content type header. However I don't know what is the content type string for xml. And not sure the server supports it.

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