08-20-2007, 04:51 PM
Hi. When anyone gets the extra time, could you please help me out with this question. I was wondering if I can use an ACC statement to get information from an accessible object, then make an if statement. Like this:
int w1
w1=win("PartyPoker.com:" "#32770")
act id(822w1)
key D
Acc a=acc("1" "LISTITEM" "" "" "" 0x1001)
str descr=a.Description
out descr
Acc b=acc("2" "LISTITEM" "" "" "" 0x1001)
str descrr=b.Description
out descrr
Acc c=acc("3" "LISTITEM" "" "" "" 0x1001)
str descrrr=c.Description
out descrrr
if(descr="Contact: :-j Ducky :-j") ;; I want it to not look at
;;contact and I want it to be like
if(descr=":-j Ducky :-j") out "contact found"
;;but if I do it that way it won't work because the results
;;don't match just ":-j Ducky :-J" because the results are
;;"Contact: :-j Ducky :-J" ;; I'm mainly just wondering how
;;to get many results out of one accesible object, then makeing
;;an if statement that looks through all the results grabbed
;;& if my if(":-j Ducky :-j") << is found somewhere within the results of
;;"Contact: :-j Ducky :-j" then out contact found.