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User Defined Function - Return value
I feel so stupid because I can't figure this basic programming.
I am trying to utilize more user-defined functions in my macros.

I have been able to pass str variables to and from the user defined function and it worked fine.
But now there is a condition that depends on whether the user defined function worked properly and found what it was looking for.

I can't seem to get it to just return a value (0 or 1) and then have a decision tree based on that in the calling macro.

This is the syntax I have been trying to implement after looking through the help menu

The calling Macro is Macro1

Macro 1
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str accn;; accn will be used to define the window name in a later Acc statement in the function T2Series
GetPACSAccn accn;; GETPACSAccn gets the variable accn to be passed along in T2Series

int ifseriesfound
ifseriesfound = T2Series (accn)

if ifseriesfound = 1
,OnScreenDisplay    "found it"
if ifseriesfound = 0
,OnScreenDisplay "didn't find it"

The user-defined function is:


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function str&accn

Acc a=acc("(T2SeriesType1)|(T2SeriesType2)" "LISTITEM" win(accn "#32770") "SysListView32" "" 0x1002);err
if (!a.a) ret

I am confused on how to get it to return the correct value or "validity" testing-
I know with some functions you can have a statement like:

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int i=findcr(f '.')

and then ret i

but I don't know how to set up a statement like this with the Acc statement type of function

I know this is basic programming but I think if I can get a handle on this, my macros will be much more robust.....

ret 1

at the end.


Also add #:

function# ...

It is not necessary but then you will see in status bar that the function returns an int value.


Shorter macro code:
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str accn;; accn will be used to define the window name in a later Acc statement in the function T2Series
GetPACSAccn accn;; GETPACSAccn gets the variable accn to be passed along in T2Series

if T2Series(accn)
,OnScreenDisplay   "found it"
,OnScreenDisplay "didn't find it"
Thanks Gintaras,
I was able to shorten it even more, like this:

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if T2_Series(accn); out "success";else goto g2

If I want to run a series of these functions, can I enter them into a kind of foreach statement collection

each time something runs you run the next function in a series (collection?) of macros or functions?

str seriespositioner =

I hope this isn't too confusing.
I never needed that. Try call.

Maybe instead of using different functions you can use same function with different argument value:

int i
for i 0 n
"Call" is the key!

I will try something like this and let you know if it works..

str flair = "GetFLAIR"
str T2 = "GetT2"
str T1Pre = "GetT1Pre"

str seriescoll =

str seriesbucket

foreach seriesbucket seriescoll
call(seriesbucket accn)

Note that with call, if you want to pass a variable by reference (where the argument in the function is like str&s), you have to use &, like

call "functionname" &accn

but not like

call "functionname" accn

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