11-13-2006, 09:20 PM
theory question:
i have two csv files. one contains cell phone billing info and is set up like this.
date,location of #,time,###-###-####,etc,etc
the other is a manually created "dictionary" of numbers that have appeared in the past and it is setup like this.
name, number, category
i would like to search the second file for the each of the numbers in the first, if it finds them, then output the billing info into a csv file and if there are ones that are not in the 2nd file output the billing info into another csv file.
i was thinking of using something like this to do it...
,get a number from the "dict" file
,,,get each line of the "billing file" and do a search for the number
,,,if it's in there
,,,,put the line into a "billing" variable to be written out later
but that just seems terribly unwieldy and system intensive...is there a better way or am i just trying to do something that really should just be done in a db?
i have two csv files. one contains cell phone billing info and is set up like this.
date,location of #,time,###-###-####,etc,etc
the other is a manually created "dictionary" of numbers that have appeared in the past and it is setup like this.
name, number, category
i would like to search the second file for the each of the numbers in the first, if it finds them, then output the billing info into a csv file and if there are ones that are not in the 2nd file output the billing info into another csv file.
i was thinking of using something like this to do it...
,get a number from the "dict" file
,,,get each line of the "billing file" and do a search for the number
,,,if it's in there
,,,,put the line into a "billing" variable to be written out later
but that just seems terribly unwieldy and system intensive...is there a better way or am i just trying to do something that really should just be done in a db?