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Code for eliminating specific lines in Words Document
Hallo QuickMacros Friends.

I would be delighted if I could get the code for eliminating unwanted data lines from Words document. Here below is a practical exemple of what I'm looking to achieve with QuickMacro:

First the present situation:

(Dim) 4- 1-1970 9:18 Terre (Can) Qti (Vie) Pluton
(Mer) 14- 1-1970 7:11 Terre (Can) Car (Bal) Jupiter
(Ven) 16- 1-1970 5:37 Terre (Can) Sex (Vie) Pluton
(Sam) 31- 1-1970 1:52 Terre (Lio) SCa (Vie) Pluton
(Lun) 2- 2-1970 10:17 Terre (Lio) Qti (Bal) Jupiter
(Lun) 9- 2-1970 0:10 Terre (Lio) SQt (Vie) Pluton
(Mer) 11- 2-1970 11:14 Jupiter (Bal) SSx (Vie) Pluton
(Sam) 14- 2-1970 23:26 Terre (Lio) SSx (Vie) Pluton
(Dim) 15- 2-1970 5:42 Terre (Lio) Sex (Bal) Jupiter
(Mar) 3- 3-1970 8:37 Terre (Vie) SCa (Bal) Jupiter
(Ven) 13- 3-1970 2:15 Terre (Vie) SQt (Bal) Jupiter
(Mar) 17- 3-1970 1:43 Terre (Vie) Con (Vie) Pluton
(Jeu) 19- 3-1970 14:48 Terre (Vie) SSx (Bal) Jupiter
(Jeu) 16- 4-1970 16:02 Terre (Bal) SSx (Vie) Pluton
(Mar) 21- 4-1970 15:07 Terre (Sco) Con (Sco) Jupiter
(Mer) 22- 4-1970 20:30 Terre (Sco) SQt (Vie) Pluton
(Sam) 2- 5-1970 4:04 Terre (Sco) SCa (Vie) Pluton
(Ven) 8- 5-1970 15:13 Jupiter (Sco) SQt (Vie) Pluton

And now the desired result where all the unwanted data is eliminated:

(Mer) 11- 2-1970 11:14 Jupiter (Bal) SSx (Vie) Pluton
(Ven) 8- 5-1970 15:13 Jupiter (Sco) SQt (Vie) Pluton

Thank You very much.

Best Regards.

Silvano Tironi
Select the text and run the following macro. This macro gets selected text, eliminates lines without "Jupiter", and pastes back.

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[color=blue]str [/color]s.getsel ss
ARRAY([color=blue]str[/color]) a
[color=blue]if[/color]([color=blue]findrx[/color](s "(?m)^\(\w+\)[ \d\-:]+Jupiter.+$" 0 13 a)<0) [color=blue]ret[/color]
[color=blue]int [/color]i
[color=blue]for [/color]i 0 a.len
,ss.formata("%s[]" a[0 i])
Thank You very much, mission accomplished !

Best Regards

Silvano Tironi

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