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dialog - accept input
how do i tell an edit field or listbox to accept dragged text or file ?
when file(s), then argument is path.

my idea is to have a small drag_to window floating on top,
which is very flexible on input.

... when there has been nothing dragged in the last second since
mouse is over drag_to then make s.getsel(lastactivewindow) ...
This requires much programming. I don't have an example.

Simplest way to create edit box that accepts dropped text (but not files) - create control with class name "RichEdit" or "RichEdit20A".

I know three methods to accept dropped files. But now I don't have time to create examples or explain more. If you will look in MSDN library, search for following keywords: WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES, WM_DROPFILE, EN_DROPFILES (accept files in RichEdit control), IDropTarget (most powerful but difficult to implement with QM - better don't try).
i will build drag_to in a first step with gui4cli and send events to qm.

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