09-06-2007, 03:31 PM
sorry if this already out there but i cant seem to find it.
i'm trying to get the name of the 'selected cell' (eg b2, a14, etc) but i cant seem to get it via that little box at the top right using this info.
Acc a=acc("" "TEXT" win("Microsoft Excel - Time Sheet.xls" "XLMAIN") "Edit" "" 0x1800 0x0 0x20000040)
i'm trying to get the name of the 'selected cell' (eg b2, a14, etc) but i cant seem to get it via that little box at the top right using this info.
Acc a=acc("" "TEXT" win("Microsoft Excel - Time Sheet.xls" "XLMAIN") "Edit" "" 0x1800 0x0 0x20000040)