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DotNetControls in an Exe
Hi Gintaras,
I am trying to make an executable which has a function that uses the DotNetControls
from the forum

but the executable keeps on failing with:

Quote:Error in DotNetControls: item not found.

with the cursor blinking on "CProcessMemory" in:

Member function DotNetControls
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#compile CProcessMemory
class DotNetControls -m_hwnd -CProcessMemory'm_pm -m_msg

Any suggestions on how to get this to work?
I was also having similar trouble with functions that used

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#compile CSqlite

but I just commented those out and it seemed to work. I have the sqlite dll in the appropriate output folder.

You use an older version.
The new version is in Archive.qml. Will update it today.

Replace these 2 lines to
class DotNetControls -m_hwnd -__ProcessMemory'm_pm -m_msg

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