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Accessible Object Trigger / Release
I'm triggering a function on the condition of a child gaining focus (or becomes active) but I'm not sure how to have it do something when it doesn't losses focus.
how can i do this?

$a 133 -4 "" "TJGFileEditorControl" 267306 "" "TFormEditPadPro7" "EditPad Pro 7 -"


You know, I was thinking that if 'Child Id' where included in the Properties -> Trigger -> Window -> Inactive dialog like class and style, I could use that trigger. any way to add that?
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
Event "kill focus" does not exist. Need to remember last focused object...

This function works with the first edit control in Notepad Replace dialog.
Function acc_focus2
Trigger $a 133 -4 "" "Edit" 1152 "" "#32770" "Replace"     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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function hwnd idObject idChild
Acc a.ObjectFromEvent(hwnd idObject idChild)
out "set focus"
,int focused=a.State&STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED
,err break
,if(!focused) break
out "kill focus"

An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook

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