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Return Objects
I looked on the forum and checked if there was any post that is like what i want, but i couldn't find one. I want to make a function return objects. I was reading up on the "ret" command and it says i should not return a string or an array. I am not able to create a function that declares all the objects and call them into a function because usually i am unable to get the window right away.

Example: I am using Microsoft Word and write a few words in the beginning using the default black, but later in the same macro i want to write text in a different color. So i hit change text color button and i have to call in this function to get the accessible objects from the Color Window. How would i go about returning "OK", "DefineColor", and "CloseColor" objects i made?
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IStringMap m=CreateStringMap

int w=win("Color" "#32770")
Acc a.Find(w "WINDOW" "Color" "class=#32770" 0x1005)

ARRAY(Acc) l
Acc OK DefineColor CloseColor
str role name
str data
int x y cx cy i

a.GetChildObjects(l -1)
for i 0 l.len
,l[i].Location(x y cx cy)
,if role="PUSHBUTTON"
,,if name="OK"
,,,m.IntAdd("OK" i)
,,if name="Define Custom Colors >>"
,,,m.IntAdd("Define" i)
,,if name="Close"
,,,m.IntAdd("Close" i)
,data.formata(" %i : %s : %s : %i %i %i %i[]" i role name x y cx cy)
Function MyFunctionThatReturnsSeveralAcc
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function Acc&OK Acc&DefineColor Acc&CloseColor

OK=0; DefineColor=0; CloseColor=0 ;;clear the variables, in case the variables are already set and this function will not set them for some reason

IStringMap m=CreateStringMap

int w=win("Color" "#32770")
Acc a.Find(w "WINDOW" "Color" "class=#32770" 0x1005)

ARRAY(Acc) l
str role name
str data
int x y cx cy i

a.GetChildObjects(l -1)
for i 0 l.len
,l[i].Location(x y cx cy)
,if role="PUSHBUTTON"
,,if name="OK"
,,,m.IntAdd("OK" i)
,,if name="Define Custom Colors >>"
,,,m.IntAdd("Define" i)
,,if name="Close"
,,,m.IntAdd("Close" i)
,data.formata(" %i : %s : %s : %i %i %i %i[]" i role name x y cx cy)

how to call the function
Macro Macro1785
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Acc OK DefineColor CloseColor
MyFunctionThatReturnsSeveralAcc OK DefineColor CloseColor

out OK.Name
Thank you very much Gintaras.

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