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Syntax Highlighter file (Lexer / lcf / lxl)
I am currently transfering all my snippets of different languages to a snippet/code-manager called Source Code Library.
The snippet manager does not support the QM language syntax highlighting.

Is there a very small chance that you might have the QM syntax highlighting file available in a .LCF or .LXL format?
(I prefer .LCF)

Due to the unique nature of QM and it's language I think you probably can't supply this, but I thought i'd ask any way in the very small chance that you might be able supply something.

An example of how the exported lexer-highlighter looks like (BASH language):
(I have extracted 2 parts from one exported BASH.lcf file)

Copy      Help
object SyntAnal71: TLibSyntAnalyzer
  Formats = <
      DisplayName = 'Default'
      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      Font.Color = clWindowText
      Font.Height = -13
      Font.Name = 'Courier New'
      Font.Style = []
      FormatType = ftCustomFont

Copy      Help
  BlockRules = <
      DisplayName = 'Keywords'
      StyleName = 'Reserved Word'
      BlockType = btTagDetect
      ConditionList = <
          TagList.Strings = (

The above is an example of how Source Code Library exports and imports lexer files (.LCF) but I do not know if the above example is a commonly used structure (I have no experience with Lexer files). The example above might be a totally different (proprietary) structure thus making this request (almost) impossible.
Don't have. Possibly in next QM will create a function to get all QM identifiers of all types - functions, classes, constants etc. Then lexers can be created from the lists.
ok, thank you!

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