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Get text from left/right pane in QM and GetWinId
question 1

How do I get the text from the left or right code editor pane in QM?

I got this from another topic, and it works.
But the problem is that it targets the left pane (id 2210)

Macro Macro11
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str s
int h=id(2210 _hwndqm)
int lens=SendMessage(h SCI.SCI_GETTEXTLENGTH 0 0)
s.fix(SendMessage(h SCI.SCI_GETTEXT lens+1 s.all(lens)))
out s

How can I get the code within the pane that is active (2210 or 2211)?

Has it something to do with the FILTER class?
(beneath code is wrong)

Macro Macro14
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int h1 = id(2210 "Quick Macros")
int h2 = id(2211 "Quick Macros")

question 2
And how do I get the ID of any currently active Window Control.
For example, the edit pane in notepad has ID '15'

Macro Macro14
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int w=win("Untitled - Notepad" "Notepad")
lef 416 137 id(15 w) 1 ;;editable text

If Notepad was the active window, how would I retrieve '15'
Should I first start with

Macro Macro14
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int w=win()

To get the active window? And then use the GetWinId function?
But I can't get the syntax correct.
1. GetQmCodeEditor

2. child() without arguments gets focused control handle.
Thank you!

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