07-13-2015, 08:16 AM
I do not know what to say.
I would like to express numbers as red in the image.
Function inquiry
I do not know what to say.
I would like to express numbers as red in the image.
Function inquiry
,,ARRAY(str) FileType; int i
,,if(!findrx(HTML "<li class=.file_title.>(.*)<.li>|<li class=.file_type00. title=.(.*?).>" 0 4 FileType)) out "not found1"
,,for(i 0 FileType.len)
,,,str outFile.format("%s%s"FileType[1 i] FileType[2 i])
,,,if(matchw(outFile "*.mkv" 1) or matchw(outFile "*.mp4" 1) or matchw(outFile "*.avi" 1) or matchw(outFile "*.wmv" 1) or matchw(outFile "*.tp" 1) or matchw(outFile "*.3gp" 1) or matchw(outFile "*.asf" 1) or matchw(outFile "*.mpeg" 1) or matchw(outFile "*.mts" 1))
,,,,int x
,,,,,,out "%i %s" x outFile