09-25-2016, 06:41 AM
A routine (B4SES) call a toolbar with :
Function MyClockHookProc
I want to pass a value (parameter) from "B4SES" to "DateTimeShow". I understand it can be done easily by initiating a global variable in "B4SES". I wonder whether there exists another more elegant way to do it. If I used a message
I wonder whether it should be sent directly to "DateTimeShow" or rather through "MyClockHookProc".
Any advice is mostly welcome. Many thanks in advance.
Quote:mac "MyClock-3" hDlgToolbar MyClock-3
Function MyClockHookProc
function# hWnd message wParam lParam
sel message
,hid id(9999 hWnd)
;,ShowDialog("MyStopWDialog" &MyStopWDialog 0 hWnd 1 WS_CHILD WS_POPUP|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU 0 0 3)
,ShowDialog("DateTimeShow" &DateTimeShow 0 hWnd 1 WS_CHILD WS_POPUP|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU 0 0 4)
,;the 4 adds 4 pixels at the top where you ca right click or drag the toolbar
I want to pass a value (parameter) from "B4SES" to "DateTimeShow". I understand it can be done easily by initiating a global variable in "B4SES". I wonder whether there exists another more elegant way to do it. If I used a message
Quote:SendMessage(dialogHandle WM_APP+1 0 &x)
I wonder whether it should be sent directly to "DateTimeShow" or rather through "MyClockHookProc".
Any advice is mostly welcome. Many thanks in advance.