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cut and paste selected text only
How do I cut and paste only the selected text from a dialog edit field? And not all text like in this section of my script (where e3 is the edit field, case 4 and 5 cut-and-paste all text but case 6 is supposed to cut and paste only the text that was selected):

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str controls = "3"
str e3
int r=ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)
sel r
,case 4
,,paste e3
,case 5
,,paste e3
,,,,key V           ;; Space
,,goto g1
,case 6

read qm help getsel

basic example will get selected text 

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int c=id(3 hDlg) ;;editable text
str s.getsel(0 0 c)
out s

read more about cut options in help
Thanks Kevin, yes I already read that section but inserting this into the script gives unknown identifier error with hDlg:

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case 6
,,,int c=id(3 hDlg) ;;editable text
str s.getsel(0 0 c)
out s
The error is because hDlg is only known inside the dialog. You will need to get the selected text before the dialog closes.
I see. Okay I will edit the code accordingly.


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