09-15-2019, 04:05 PM
I have a repetitive daily task where I take data from Excel and type it into another program we use at work. Unfortunately I can't simply copy and paste the data because the other program uses drop down menus to select the numbers. I did search and find another thread with a similar question and used some script from there:
get selected cells in Excel
ExcelSheet es.Init
ARRAY(str) a
es.CellsToArray(a "sel")
type first selected column in Notepad
act "Notepad" ;;activate window
spe 20 ;;speed
act(win("Hour Moves - Google Chrome" "Chrome_WidgetWin_1"))
int row
for row 0 a.len
key (a[0 row]) Y ;;type cell and press Enter
act(win("Transfer Hours - Excel" "XLMAIN"))
'T ;; Tab
It did work to input the first number, but I was trying to figure out how to do multiple sets of numbers and repeat until it runs into a blank cell. Here is the Excel sheet:
And here is where it would be keyed into:
You just press Enter to move between each dropdown menu. Any advise would be appreciated, thanks!
get selected cells in Excel
ExcelSheet es.Init
ARRAY(str) a
es.CellsToArray(a "sel")
type first selected column in Notepad
act "Notepad" ;;activate window
spe 20 ;;speed
act(win("Hour Moves - Google Chrome" "Chrome_WidgetWin_1"))
int row
for row 0 a.len
key (a[0 row]) Y ;;type cell and press Enter
act(win("Transfer Hours - Excel" "XLMAIN"))
'T ;; Tab
It did work to input the first number, but I was trying to figure out how to do multiple sets of numbers and repeat until it runs into a blank cell. Here is the Excel sheet:
And here is where it would be keyed into:
You just press Enter to move between each dropdown menu. Any advise would be appreciated, thanks!