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getFile return the number of lines (SOLVED)

I am using getFile to load file content to a string. It is also possible to return the number of lines in the file as it loads?

Function Dialog2
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str fileTxt n
if OpenSaveDialog(0 n "Text files[]*.txt[]Image files[]*.bmp;*.gif[]All Files[]*.*[]")
,if string.len(fileTxt)
,out fileTxt

str n a fileTxt
ARRAY(str) arr
int d nt inc
,,if OpenSaveDialog(0 n "Text files[]*.txt[]Image files[]*.bmp;*.gif[]All Files[]*.*[]")
nt = tok(a arr)
for(d 0 nt) 
out F"The number of lines is {inc}"

I managed to solve this using tok. I don't feel it is a very efficient or clean solution but it is working as needed.

Thank you
Macro Macro48
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;; if using string
int i=numlines(fileTxt)
out i ;; number of lines stored in 'i', now just output 'i'

;; if using array
ARRAY(str) a

out numlines(_s) ;; contents of array 'a' has been put in string '_s', now you can output number of lines in '_s'
out a.len ;; or just directly output the number of items in array 'a'
I was not aware of this function. Much easier solution.

Thank you!

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