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Drawing a line on a rectangle
With the following macros I can draw a line on a rectangle :
Function test_BRect
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int x0 y0 xsc ysc
x0=50; y0=40; xsc=0.8*xres; ysc=0.7*yres
int h=OnScreenDraw(x0 y0 xsc ysc &OSD_BRect 0 0 0 0 h)
OnScreenLine(250 250 400 400 175 2)
OnScreenDrawEnd h

Function OSD_BRect
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function hwnd hdc cx cy param
int hpen oldpen hbrush oldbrush oldfont
int x0 y0 ipen
x0=5; y0=5

hbrush=CreateSolidBrush(14614245); oldbrush=SelectObject(hdc hbrush)
hpen=CreatePen(0 ipen 14614245); oldpen=SelectObject(hdc hpen)
RoundRect hdc x0+ipen y0+ipen cx-(2*x0)-ipen cy-(2*y0)-ipen 3 3

DeleteObject SelectObject(hdc oldbrush)
DeleteObject SelectObject(hdc oldpen)

However, OnScreenDrawEnd closes only the rectangle. If I use "h" as last argument in OnScreenLine, then rectangle is erased before the line appears, as actually expected. Any advice is mostly welcome. I understand I can close these two graphs (rectangle and line) separately.

Let me extend a bit my question. If I need to add some text on this rectangle, I experienced that I can do it inside OSD_BRect, no problem. However, I am wondering whether I have the flexibility to do it in the main module (test_BRect).

Many thanks in advance.
Add line drawing code to OSD_BRect. See how OSD_LineProc does it.

Function OSD_BRect
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function hwnd hdc cx cy param
int hpen oldpen hbrush oldbrush oldfont
int x0 y0 ipen
x0=5; y0=5

hbrush=CreateSolidBrush(14614245); oldbrush=SelectObject(hdc hbrush)
hpen=CreatePen(0 ipen 14614245); oldpen=SelectObject(hdc hpen)
RoundRect hdc x0+ipen y0+ipen cx-(2*x0)-ipen cy-(2*y0)-ipen 3 3

int hpen2 oldpen2
hpen2=CreatePen(0 2 0xff0000); oldpen2=SelectObject(hdc hpen2)
MoveToEx hdc 200 200 0 ;;set current position
LineTo hdc 300 300
DeleteObject SelectObject(hdc oldpen2)

DeleteObject SelectObject(hdc oldbrush)
DeleteObject SelectObject(hdc oldpen)
Thanks, Best Regards!

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