05-19-2020, 05:26 PM
I fetch HTML using
Macro Macro100
Something within ".GetHtmlElements" causes 2 popups to appear which causes focus being taken away from firefox.
I can get the window information from the small "Windows Security Warning" pop-up so I can use it in 'win' command.
But I can not fetch info from the other popup "You'll need a new app..." as soon as you press a key it dissapears.
I have used the following command to get all window class/name/id but still couldn't fetch the info of the "You'll need a new app..." popup:
command used: win("" "" "" 0 0 0 a) then attempted to move mouse to the each of the windows stored in "a", but the mouse did not move to the "You'll need a new app..." popup, but other windows strored in "a" did work.
QUESTION: Is there something I could do to avoid the 2 pop-ups from showing up?
I can [ESC] both windows (no need to place cookie) and my code still works.
It's just very annoying that those 2 pop-ups appear, sometimes (in the past) only the small "Windows Security Warning" only appeared.
Even if I had a way to target the "You'll need a new app..." popup it is still all happening within "GetHtmlElements" so I need to wait until "GetHtmlElements" is finished and then after that do an if "w" exists ("w" beeing the "You'll need a new app..." popup) but this is not possible because
something within "GetHtmlElements" is keeping from completing it's process. I think I need to launch a seperate process before "GetHtmlElements" which checks for the existance of the popups and then closes them. But I was hoping for another more effective solution. (if possible).
The 2 pop-ups:
The first one, appears last = becomes active window (top of stack)
This one appears directly below the above one
Macro Macro100
str html_string
int w=wait(3 WV win("Mozilla Firefox" "MozillaWindowClass"))
Acc a.Find(w "DOCUMENT" "" "" 0x3010 3)
a.WebPageProp(0 0 html_string)
HtmlDoc d.InitFromText(html_string)
ARRAY(MSHTML.IHTMLElement) divblock
d.GetHtmlElements(divblock "div") ;; <===== SOME CODE/CLASS/FUNCTION WITHIN "GetHtmlElements" TRIGGERS POP-UP (SEE BELOW FOR POP UP)
Something within ".GetHtmlElements" causes 2 popups to appear which causes focus being taken away from firefox.
I can get the window information from the small "Windows Security Warning" pop-up so I can use it in 'win' command.
But I can not fetch info from the other popup "You'll need a new app..." as soon as you press a key it dissapears.
I have used the following command to get all window class/name/id but still couldn't fetch the info of the "You'll need a new app..." popup:
command used: win("" "" "" 0 0 0 a) then attempted to move mouse to the each of the windows stored in "a", but the mouse did not move to the "You'll need a new app..." popup, but other windows strored in "a" did work.
QUESTION: Is there something I could do to avoid the 2 pop-ups from showing up?
I can [ESC] both windows (no need to place cookie) and my code still works.
It's just very annoying that those 2 pop-ups appear, sometimes (in the past) only the small "Windows Security Warning" only appeared.
Even if I had a way to target the "You'll need a new app..." popup it is still all happening within "GetHtmlElements" so I need to wait until "GetHtmlElements" is finished and then after that do an if "w" exists ("w" beeing the "You'll need a new app..." popup) but this is not possible because
something within "GetHtmlElements" is keeping from completing it's process. I think I need to launch a seperate process before "GetHtmlElements" which checks for the existance of the popups and then closes them. But I was hoping for another more effective solution. (if possible).
The 2 pop-ups:
The first one, appears last = becomes active window (top of stack)
This one appears directly below the above one