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init2 override QM output font to Courier?
Is it possible with QM code in init2 to override the QM output font to courier?
(I am referring to the font type used in the output when you press [F1] on a qm item in the editor)

The reason for this is, that I have ASCII art used to display extra info in a graphical way.
The default font used in the in the QM output is not a mono paced font.

(Just to be clear I do not mean the font used when using the 'out' command).

EDIT: maybe also the font-size
tools >options >editor.
output font 1
or add your own.
Function ChangeQmHelpAndTipsPaneFont
Copy      Help
function [$fontName] [fontSize]

int c=id(2209 _hwndqm) ;;QM_Tips
if c=0
,int tb=id(2207 _hwndqm) ;;vertical toolbar
,TBBUTTON b; SendMessage tb TB_GETBUTTON 2 &b ;;button index to id
,SendMessage GetParent(tb) WM_COMMAND b.idCommand tb ;;create and show the pane
,c=id(2209 _hwndqm)

int i
for i 0 256
,if(!empty(fontName)) SendMessageW c SCI.SCI_STYLESETFONT i fontName
,if(fontSize>0) SendMessageW c SCI.SCI_STYLESETSIZE i fontSize
Thank you both!!!

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