I have 5 Windows PC's on my local home office network. I boot mine first then the other four.
Once the other pc's are up, I'll try to access a directory on pc #2 (drive O:\ ) and windows will throw an error saying that pc is not accessible (which it is really). So in order to access the dir I have to pull up This PC, and goto drive O:\ (has red X icon ). Now I can (Magically) connect to the root of O:\ and can access the dir from the shortcut I originally tried to access before!! And now the red X goes away.
So my question is this:
Is there a simple way to, after boot, to tell This PC window that the network is up? or
SendMessage or Ping or anything?? I do not know why I would not be able to access O:\Tools from a desktop
shortcut until I access the mapped PC first. I believe this is a BIG problem in Windows.
Any Ideas Welcome. Thanks.
Was using this code below, but still was not working...
Function Net_Wake2
Trigger @2
Once the other pc's are up, I'll try to access a directory on pc #2 (drive O:\ ) and windows will throw an error saying that pc is not accessible (which it is really). So in order to access the dir I have to pull up This PC, and goto drive O:\ (has red X icon ). Now I can (Magically) connect to the root of O:\ and can access the dir from the shortcut I originally tried to access before!! And now the red X goes away.
So my question is this:
Is there a simple way to, after boot, to tell This PC window that the network is up? or
SendMessage or Ping or anything?? I do not know why I would not be able to access O:\Tools from a desktop
shortcut until I access the mapped PC first. I believe this is a BIG problem in Windows.
Any Ideas Welcome. Thanks.
Was using this code below, but still was not working...
Function Net_Wake2
Trigger @2
/ Net_Wake \
;; ::::::::::::::::
;; 2021-02-25 Thursday - 06.58.13
;;;;© Scott_Frohn ††† --> Version 2.0.0
;;;;Description of Function:
;,--> Wakes up the Network - Access --> "J L O V N S"
;;;;Waits 5 minutes. Also, now with error handling and re-checks for failed connections.
;sub.clear; end ;; Use this to clear reg values --> For testing.
;wait 300
;;; start
int i
str J L O V N S ss dt jr lr o2r vr nr sr ssr rkey
Date_Time_To_Log(dt); out dt
int wJ=win("J:\" "CabinetWClass")
int wL=win("L:\" "CabinetWClass")
int wO=win("O:\" "CabinetWClass")
int wV=win("V:\" "CabinetWClass")
int wN=win("N:\" "CabinetWClass")
int wS=win("S:\" "CabinetWClass")
;Drive: J
if(!FileExists("J:\UT" 1))
,rset jr "jr" rkey
,J="Can't connect to J:"
,out F"[]{J}"
,goto JL
J = "J Ok."
rset jr "jr" rkey
out F"[]{J}"
;;; JL
RunConsole2 "ping JL" L
out L
i=find(L "Received = 0" 0)
if i >=0 ;; if found
rset lr "lr" rkey
;;; O2
RunConsole2 "ping O2" O
out O
i=find(O "Received = 0" 0)
if i >=0 ;; if found
rset o2r "o2r" rkey
;;; DELL
RunConsole2 "ping DELL" V
out V
i=find(V "Received = 0" 0)
if i >=0 ;; if found
rset vr "vr" rkey
;;; JLN
RunConsole2 "ping JLN" N
out N
i=find(N "Received = 0" 0)
if i >=0 ;; if found
rset nr "nr" rkey
;;; SEF
RunConsole2 "ping SEF" S
out S
i=find(S "Received = 0" 0)
if i >=0 ;; if found
rset sr "sr" rkey
;;; bottom
;;; Write to File - Log
ss.from("[][]" dt "[][]" J "[]" L O V N S) ;; Combine all string outputs to (ss).
;out ss
ss.setfile("$My QM$\Net_Wake.txt" -1 -1 1) ;; from: -1 append. nbytes: -1 write whole string. flags: 1 +newline,
;jr lr o2r vr nr sr
if(jr or lr or o2r or vr or nr or sr ="1")
,mac- "ReNet_Wake"
#sub clear
str jr lr o2r vr nr sr ssr rkey
rset jr "jr" rkey
rset lr "lr" rkey
rset o2r "o2r" rkey
rset vr "vr" rkey
rset nr "nr" rkey
rset sr "sr" rkey