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Cast String as an Integer
What am I overlooking here?  I'm wanting to do a date difference but can't remember/figure out how to cast string as int.
How can I do this?

Macro Macro5
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int spanDays
TimeSpanGetParts sub.DateIntToDateTime(_i)-sub.DateIntToDateTime(210405) spanDays
out spanDays

#sub DateIntToDateTime
function'DateTime dateInt

;dateInt - date in decimal format, like 160103 (2016-01-03)

;note: year must be 2-digit, assuming that the actual year is 2000-2099.

DateTime r.FromParts(dateInt/10000%100+2000 dateInt/100%100 dateInt%100)
ret r
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
is this it
YES!!!!   Yes, it is!

An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
Ken you can accomplish this with alot less code
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DateTime dt.FromComputerTime dt1.FromStr("2021/04/05")
long spanDays; TimeSpanGetPartsTotal(dt-dt1 spanDays)
out spanDays

An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook

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