Struct RECT
Rectangle coordinates left top right bottom.
public record struct RECT : IEquatable<RECT>
This type can be used with Windows API functions. The .NET Rectangle etc can't, because their fields are different. Has conversions from/to Rectangle.
Namespace: Au.Types
Assembly: Au.dll
Name | Description |
RECT(int, int, int, int) | Sets all fields. |
Name | Description |
bottom | |
left | |
right | |
top |
Name | Description |
CenterX | Gets horizontal center. |
CenterY | Gets vertical center. |
Height | Gets or sets height. |
Is0 | Returns |
NoArea | Returns |
Size | Returns |
Width | Gets or sets width. |
XY | Returns |
Name | Description |
Contains(POINT) | Returns |
Contains(RECT) | Returns |
Contains(int, int) | Returns |
EnsureInScreen(screen, bool) | Adjusts this rectangle to ensure that whole rectangle is in screen. Initial and final rectangle coordinates are relative to the primary screen. |
From(RectangleF, bool) | |
From(Rect, bool) | |
FromLTRB(int, int, int, int) | Creates RECT with specified left, top, right and bottom. |
Inflate(int, int) | Makes this rectangle bigger or smaller: |
Intersect(RECT) | Replaces this rectangle with the intersection of itself and the specified rectangle. If the rectangles don't intersect, makes this variable empty. |
Intersect(RECT, RECT) | Returns the intersection rectangle of two rectangles. If they don't intersect, returns empty rectangle. |
IntersectsWith(RECT) | Returns |
Move(int, int) | Moves this rectangle so that left=x and right=y. Does not change Width and Height. |
MoveInRect(RECT, Coord, Coord, bool) | Moves this rectangle to the specified coordinates in another rectangle r. |
MoveInScreen(Coord, Coord, screen, bool, bool) | Moves this rectangle to the specified coordinates in the specified screen, and ensures that whole rectangle is in screen. Final rectangle coordinates are relative to the primary screen. |
Normalize(bool) | If width or height are negative, modifies this rectangle so that they would not be negative. |
Offset(int, int) | Moves this rectangle by the specified offsets: |
ToString() | Converts to string |
ToStringFormat(string) | Formats string from RECT main fields and properties. |
ToStringSimple() | Converts to string |
TryParse(string, out RECT) | Converts string to RECT. |
Union(RECT) | Replaces this rectangle with the union of itself and the specified rectangle. Union is the smallest rectangle that contains two full rectangles. If either rectangle is empty (Width or Height is <=0), the result is another rectangle. If both empty - empty rectangle. |
Union(RECT, RECT) | Returns the union of two rectangles. Union is the smallest rectangle that contains two full rectangles. If either rectangle is empty (Width or Height is <=0), the result is another rectangle. If both empty - empty rectangle. |
Name | Description |
implicit operator Rectangle(RECT) | |
implicit operator RectangleF(RECT) | |
implicit operator Rect(RECT) | |
implicit operator RECT(Rectangle) | |
implicit operator RECT((int L, int T, int W, int H)) | Converts from tuple (left, top, width, height). |