Method RECT.MoveInScreen
Moves this rectangle to the specified coordinates in the specified screen, and ensures that whole rectangle is in screen. Final rectangle coordinates are relative to the primary screen.
public void MoveInScreen(Coord x, Coord y, screen screen = default, bool workArea = true, bool ensureInScreen = true)
x (Coord)
X coordinate in the specified screen. If |
y (Coord)
Y coordinate in the specified screen. If |
screen (screen)
Use this screen. If |
workArea (bool)
Use the work area, not whole screen. Default |
ensureInScreen (bool)
If part of rectangle is not in screen, move and/or resize it so that entire rectangle would be in screen. Default |
This function can be used to calculate new window location before creating it. If window already exists, use wnd.MoveInScreen.